Wish list
In Reysan you can find the best equipment and machinery for the meat industry and butcher shops. We offer a wide variety of machines, tools, materials and equipment of the highest quality, easy to use and that guarantee the maximum protection for workers. Discover our extensive catalogue.

The best machinery and equipment used in the meat industry

At Reysan we work with the best technology to offer our clients the best machinery and equipment used in the meat industry.

The performance, quality and productivity at work depends largely on the materials and machinery used. That is why we sell machines that are easy to use and made with less heavy materials to avoid making unnecessary efforts.

In addition, we know how important hygiene is in this type of sector, which is why we are continually betting on innovation, quality and experience to bring you the best machines on the market.

Machinery and utensils for processing meats and sausages

In our extensive catalog you will find: the best meat machinery to work meat and sausages such as meat grinders, hamburger makers, meat tenderizers, mixers, cold cuts and fillet slicers, ham skinners or vacuum packers. or.

Also, if you are Looking for a good knife, you will find one. More than a dozen top quality brands with different types of cutlery such as professional butcher knives. Dick, Victorinox, Fischer, 3 Claveles or Giesser are just some of the brands that we distribute online. throughout Spain.

We also have a wide range of automatic sharpening machines, stainless steel band saws, stuffers or meat kneaders

Different types of machinery and accessories for the meat industry and butcher shops

In our wide selection, you could not miss the essential elements to carry out the study of whipworm, animal identifiers, materials for cattle or even utensils for the animal sacrifice.

You will find also everything necessary to hang and transport the meat safely, adapting to the needs of our customers.

Finally, thinking about the final sale and the image, we have a wide variety of products for the meat industry such as: decoration of showcases, price holders, posters, labels , pencils, security seals and covers for ham and other meats.

Protection for the meat industry

Regarding the safety and equipment of the meat industry, we have a wide variety of individual protection equipment and work clothes for this sector:

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976 646 822

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