In Reysan Atlantic ® we want to reward the loyalty of our customers and therefore we are giving away 2 tickets for Spain debut match against the Czech Republic at UEFA EURO 2016.
The match will be held on Monday June 13th at the Stadium of Toulouse at 15h00 and also with the 2 tickets Cat.1 type, we will offer the winner € 500 for travel expenses and accommodation to enjoy the city during the stay.
Participating will be the easiest. With every purchase made during the month of May, the customer will receive a waybill number (AVE ....) which will automatically be part of the draw. Thus, the more purchases carried out, the more chances you have to win.
The winner will be determined by drawing lots before a notary on June 1st among all invoices generated during the month of May 2016. The winner will be notified in writing and by phone.
Good luck!