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At Reysan we offer the best trichinoscopes on the market. If you are looking for a trichinoscope of quality for the trichina study, in this section you will find everything you need. Our devices allow the performance of the official method for the extraction and identification of trichinae, as published in the BOE.
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Projection Trichinoscope

The Trichinoscope is a digital microscope designed for accurate and rapid examination of animal muscle tissue. In this way, it allows for the diagnosis and detection of Trichinella.

This diagnosis is essential because the consumption of infected meat by humans causes the disease trichinosis. In severe cases, it can lead to neurological and cardiological complications.

In short, prior analysis of meat before human consumption is essential, because it prevents the spread of the parasite and infection among consumers.

But, what is trichinosis?

Trichinosis is a type of parasitic infection caused by nematodes. These parasites infect carnivorous and omnivorous animals such as domestic pigs, wild boar, horses or deer.

When humans eat raw or undercooked meat containing trichina cysts, these larvae hatch and mature into adult worms in the intestines. Once mature, they produce new larvae that move through muscle tissues including the heart and diaphragm.

The symptoms and severity of the disease depend on the amount of larvae consumed with the infected meat, but usually include abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea, fever and muscle aches.

Trichinoscope features

  • High resolution HD panoramic viewer screen.
  • 40X magnification.
  • Precise focusing system.
  • White LED illumination.
  • Reticulated reflection cuvette holder.
  • Support base with bar and clamps.
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