The helmet is made of a hard material with a smooth finish that gives the pieces
injected excellent toughness and impact resistance. It wears a visor or extension over the eyes and
it is finished off with a gutter. has a
30 mm lateral slot that allows hearing and face protectors to be adapted.
The harness is the complete set of elements that constitute a means of keeping the helmet in position
overhead and/or absorb kinetic energy during impact. Provides excellent flexibility, high resistance
on impact, excellent resistance to stress cracking and good gloss. The harness has 6 tie-down points. In
the neck part has a buckle that allows quick and comfortable adjustment of the helmet on the head.
The anti-sweat band is the black felt placed in the front part of the harness, whose function is to absorb
the sweat emitted by the user.
- Material: high-density polyethylene (PEHD).
- The harness is made of linear polyethylene.
- The anti-sweat band is made of 100% polyester fiber.
- Measurements: 30 x 135 x 23 mm.
- Weight: 338 gr.
- Anti-sweatband (>200 mm): 220 mm.
- Shock absorption (F< 5 KN):
- Low temperature (-10C): 3.46 KN.
- High temperature (50C): 4.28 KN.
- Immersion in water: 2.72 KN.
- Artificial aging: 3.03 KN.
- Puncture resistance:
- Low temperature (-10C): Satisfactory.
- High temperature (50C): Satisfactory.
- Water immersion: Satisfactory.
- Artificial aging: Satisfactory.
- Flame resistance: Satisfactory.
- Packaging: Bags of 20 units.
- The certifications that it complies with are the UNE-EN 397 / A1: 2012 R.D. 1407 / 1992.
- See technical sheet.