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Insect Exterminators

Why does my business need it?

Insect Exterminators

In any industry, hygiene and cleanliness is key to be able to properly develop the functions and tasks that the work requires, but if we talk about the food industry and hospitality, it practically becomes an obligation.

One of the main problems that exist in the food industry, is the large number of insects is the large number of insects is the large number of insects with insect exterminators, will allow us to focus our work on what is really important.

Types of insect exterminators

We can find three types of devices to eliminate insects from our business:

  • Adhesive Trap: Attracts insects through ultraviolet light and thanks to its adhesive trap make these are trapped and there are no odors.
  • Suctioned: Attracts insects by ultraviolet light and once they are close to it, they are sucked by the powerful fan and deposited in a container.
  • Electric grill: Attracts insects thanks to its ultraviolet light and once the insect touches the grill it is totally eliminated due to an electric shock. The problem with this type is that they give off odor and the insect may jump with the electric shock and then contaminate the food. It is not recommended for the food industry.

The best insect exterminator

The V Surey Clean insect exterminator attracts insects through ultraviolet light and thanks to its adhesive trap the insect is trapped.

It complies with:

  • CE: in terms of: safety, health, and respect for the environment.
  • HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points in food production chains.

It is one of the best in the market not only because it attracts more insects than the rest of the devices, but also because it is more hygienic, silent and has HACCP, ideal for the food industry.

Its installation is hanging, although we can anchor it to a wall in addition to having a power of 2 x 15 W. It is made of stainless steel y and allows an insect-free coverage of 80 square meters.

It is very important to change every 6 months its shatterproof tubes in order not to lose efficiency and its adhesive sheets when these have trapped a good amount of insects, but do not wait until it is completely full. All these factors will allow us to always have a clean and insect-free space.

What to consider when buying an insect exterminator?

To correctly place and maintain an insect exterminator in our business we must take into account a series of points:

  • For the food industry it is advisable to use a sticky trap exterminator to avoid odors, noise and to avoid contaminating the food with any insect remains that may jump. With the sticky trap exterminators we can avoid all the points indicated above but not with the grill exterminators.
  • The ultraviolet radiation tubes should be changed every 6 months or so. Over time they lose power and will no longer be as useful.
  • The adhesive sheets should be changed when they have trapped a good amount of insects, but do not wait until they are completely full.
  • For small establishments we recommend the suction exterminator because it does not give off odors and its quality-price ratio is ideal.

If you have doubts about insect exterminators or you are not sure which one is the most suitable for your type of business, our team of experts will advise you in your online purchase. Get a clean and free of insects space.

Can we help you?
976 646 822